1. FACTS Teaching Technique

  • As the learner is the center and focus of the learning process, FACTS Academy applies a dynamic teaching technique to deliver the course contents within interactive atmosphere based on the class activities to engage attendees in practicing the learning outcomes, and encourage them to discuss, share and present live experiences.
  • FACTS academy developed an educational/training concept and model that ensures its graduates are competent and have the abilities and willingness to be Sports, health and fitness professionals. FACTS educational model is based on competency module (KSA) knowledge, Skills and Attitude, based on the employers, employees and Subject-Matter Experts (SME) the most needed competencies for sports, health and fitness industry could be summarized in KSA concept.




 K.  Knowledge

 S.  Skills

 A.  Attitude

M. Mind

B. Body

S. Spirit

C. Client

A. Associate

P. Partner

  • KSA concept can be used as an educational model, teaching technique, learner’s assessment technique, criteria to evaluate the existent employee’s performance, as well as a critical of measuring the job applicant’s capabilities.
  • Understating the KSA concept and its details and components will guide you through you path of future success.
  • FACTS Academy work with their students to help them accomplish a successful results and outcome, willing that the knowledge, time, and the effort exerted at this course would help students to excel at their career and sparkle their pathway to maximize their (KSA). The teaching technique ensures the delivery of the Core, Departmental and Management skills that is vital to any professional gym or club.