Marketing Dep. Module (MDM)

Standard Operating Procedures
1   Dep. Strategies Polices, process & procedures
2 Applying SWOT analysis
3 What are the attraction and retention (5Ps)
4 Brand name and logo guidelines
5 Facility Logo manual guidelines.
6 Facility name manual guidelines.
7 Facility logo and name stationary guidelines
8 Facility logo and name giveaways guidelines
9 External vs internal marketing
10 E-marketing
11 Paid session associate profile card.
12 Prospective card form.
13 Membership and/or paid sessions agreement & receipt
Forms and paper work
14   Marketing Dep. Forms and paper work
15 Membership ID, email signature, PC background, comments cards, facility honor certificate,
16 Service providers marketing cards and file
17 Vendors and suppliers checklist.
18 Barter deals offer and contract checklist.
19 Sponsorship deals offer and contract checklist.
20 Club presentation checklist.
21 Marketing calendar checklist.
22 Marketing manager job application/ job description/ job offer/ Productivity Report